Friday, February 11, 2011


I took a mini-course at the Wisconsin Union last night! They are available to everyone regardless of affiliation with the University (although I think you have to be a member of the Union). The class was a three and a half hour crash course in sewing. I'm interested in sewing because I want to make stuff. Like these things:

These may be high hopes, but the class last night was fun. We started here, just sewing whatever we wanted. I didn't mean for it to look like a face, but it did!
We practiced circles some more and learned pivoting.

Then we did seams, backstitching, zig-zags, and basting.

My favorite part was gathering. I'm sure it can be really tricky when it matters, but it was fun to practice!
The grand finale was a mini tote bag! She ran out of brown ribbon - otherwise I wouldn't have done a navy blue handle!

There was a lot going on in the Union last night - contra-dancing, choir rehearsal, tai chi, bartending practice... The Union remains one of my favorite places in Madison - summer or winter!

I think classes are a great strategy for surviving the winters here. Next up for us for mini-courses? Photography for me and woodworking for Dave. He's looking for ideas for something to make. Suggestions?


  1. dave should make a step stool or a toy box for the baby!!! :)

  2. SO FUN!! Wish I could have taken it with you!!!
