Saturday, May 18, 2013

fun with friends

We have had a fun and action packed weekend with friends!

I'm going to link to my friend Katie's blog to show you pictures of our latest outing to the park. See photos here!

And here are two videos - so cute!

Tonight we had a blast with our friends - summertime cookouts are the best!








And a hilarious video of  Owen, Reed and Hazel! Toddlers are hilarious!

owen's conversations with...owen - 21 and 22 months

Owen: "More cheese, please!"
Owen: " Good asking!"

Owen: {singing Wheels on the Bus...}
Owen: "Good singing!"
Owen: "Thank you!"

Friday, May 17, 2013

conversations with Owen - 21 months

Mommy: "Do you want couscous?"
Owen: "No thank you."
Mommy: "Mmmmmm....I love it."
Owen: "Mommy loves couscous!"

Mommy: "We had a fun day. Did you have fun?"
Owen: "Fun. Children's Museum!"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

a conversation with owen - 22 months

Owen: "Want more strawberries!"
Mommy: "They're all gone."
Owen: "I wanna see strawberries all gone!"


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

what owen says - 22 months

Some of Owen's latest quotations:

"The dark is so bright."
"I don't wanna get in the water!"
"Is that Owen's [insert item here such as 'shoe' 'shirt' 'car', etc.]"
"Mommy want carry you." (Translation: I want Mommy to carry me.)
"Mad-ee-son, Consin" (Translation: Madison, Wisconsin)
"See pictures Owen, dino." (Translation: I want to see the iPhone video of Owen riding the dino.)
"Ellie said: Nope, it's Owen's turn."
"Owen did pull up silo door." (On his play farm.)
"Ding dong! Ding dong! The little train rumbled over the tracks." (Quoting The Little Engine That Could
"Sky's the sky!"
"Baby Owen go night-night in crib. Have some dreams."
"Go find Daddy."
"Isn't that a fire truck?"

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

more of Owen at 21 months

Swinging at the park

"One. Cool Duuuude!"



Having fun with Ellie at school.



Proud of how he arranged the cars at school!
Look at the cars!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

the way he plays


mumble mumble
Yellow and blue.
There's yellow and green
In there. (he put crayons in the truck)
Fire truck. Fire truck.
Hello. Hallo.
truck. Move way!
Go other way pictures
that way
Mama Mommy
Go fire truck go. Go fire truck go. Go fire truck go.
Fire truck.
mumble mumble
Fire truck. Fire truck. I ride...

madison children's museum

Rainy day. Just me and Owen.We had so much fun!

big rig gig

City of Madison had all the trucks out today at Elver Park! We went to "Go. See. Big. Truuuucckkss!!"

owen - 21 months