Next up on our sight-seeing adventure with Mom?
The House on the Rock.
I'm not sure how to describe this to's a house built on on top of a pinnacle rock, but it's oh so much more.
An eccentric man built this house to spite Frank Lloyd Wright's estate down the road. A lot of the architectureal elements parody FLW's, so the house itself is interesting. But then, after you tour the interior of the house and even get to walk out into the "infinity room" jutting out into the valley,
things get even weirder...
"What was that?!?", you ask? Oh, that was the world's largest carousel with zero horses on it - all different creatures, but no horses. The hourses were nailed up on the wall behind us. (!)
"And what is that?"
Oh, that's the life-sized statue of a whale being attacked by a giant octopus, of course!
We're blurry, but at least you can see how huge this whale/octopus statue thing is! |
"And what the heck is that?!?"
Oh, that's just one of, like, 50 room-sized music machines scattered throughout the house. They give you tokens at the beginning of the tour so you can activate the machines.
Blurry again - the place was so dark - but you can see Dave and me trying to figure out what the heck we're looking at! |
The House on the Rock is really indescribable. Just picture more and more rooms and huge collections of off-the-wall items. HOTR is a sight to behold and probably the craziest place I've ever been.
I did get one pretty shot. This is in the women's restroom. This shows a fraction of the collection of blue and yellow glassware.
Stay tuned for part 3 of "our fist visitor", when we tour another famous house right down the road from House on the Rock.