Tuesday, September 21, 2010

our first visitor! (part 1)

This weekend my Mom came to visit us in Madison! We had a great time and did a lot together while she was here.

Our first sight-seeing stop when she arrived? The National Mustard Museum in Middleton, of course!

The museum had mustards from around the world!

And you could taste all the mustard your heart desired...

...or get a degree in mustard-ology!

We had to take some home!

This place really cuts the mustard!


  1. Yuck! I think I just threw up in my mouth a little! Mustard = gross! But I'm glad you and Mama Gail had a great time!

  2. So this means we can't go back when you come visit??? j/k I didn't get the connection with Madison and mustard, but Mom and I figured it out. Lots of brats = lots of mustard!
