Friday, August 12, 2011

coolest birthday gift ever

For my birthday this year, I got the best gift. And no, although I did go into labor on my birthday (not a cool gift), I'm not talking about Owen.  I'm talking about this:

This, my friends, is a true gift-giving genius. The type of gift-giving genius that only my husband can pull off. [Side note: I'm thrilled to be on the receiving end of his gift-giving skills, but I'm kind of jealous of them - like that Valentine's Day Modern Family episode...anybody with me?]

Anyway, this piece of stained-glass is my very own piece of art commissioned by Dave for ME! How cool is that? I had been talking about getting a stained glass window for years, but never imagined I would have something made for me! It's by a local artist, named Mark Welhouse who was also, until recently, an athletic training student at UW. The University commissioned Mark to do lots of pieces in the new Union South and my husband commissioned him to do a piece for me!

When Dave gave it to me, I asked him if Mark named it and he wasn't sure. I went to Mark's website and sure enough, there was my piece! And it has a name! The Joyous One. And when I read that, I cried. A lot. Because even though every day isn't easy being far away from family and adjusting to life with a newborn,  I really am the joyous one because I have Dave in my life. Ok, now I'm crying again. Darn postpartum hormones!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!! So beautiful!!! You are awesome Dave! What a PERFECT gift!! Makes me teary eyed too!
