Tuesday, February 22, 2011

is he listening?

So much has already been said about Governor Walker's proposed budget bill. His cronyism, his scapegoating of public workers, his attempt to pit private and public sector employees against one another, his manufacturing of a budget crisis as a pitiful excuse to bust up the unions...

I waffle between:
1. being all pumped up about the protests and feeling like we're really making a difference, and
2. being angry fearing knowing that in order to keep collective bargaining, we'll have to give in to all his plans to quadruple health insurance premiums and retirement contributions.

I don't really know what is left to say. Here's a great article to get you up to speed if you haven't kept up:

And here's some photos and video from week two (day nine) of the protests on the Capitol. Today we joined the UW Faculty for Change and some of Dave's colleagues to march from campus down State Street to the Capitol.

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