Saturday, October 30, 2010

happy halloween!

It's Halloween weekend! And Halloween is a big deal in Madison. There's a big street party tonight on State St. called Freakfest complete with three music stages, costume contest and very chilly fall weather!

Not sure if we will make it out, but I really wanted to show you how seriously people in Madison take their Halloween decorations.

(This is just a small sampling - it's not as easy to take pictures of people's yards as you would think. Especially when you don't want them to see you doing it!)

So the original idea for this post was to show you some of the decorations around our neighborhood. But then, last night, driving home from a show downtown, we drove by this house:

Those are ALL jack-o-lanterns! And if you can see through the front door, that's a guy STILL CARVING!! 

I know the photo quality is terrible - iPhone doesn't do well in low light. So, for a better picture follow this link over to Letter From Here, another Madison blogger who got a really nice shot of the house and coincidentally, blogged about it this morning. Happy Halloween!


  1. Note - after posting this, Dave and I went on a long walk through Nakoma, a ritzy neighborhood nearby. The Halloween decorations there puts these pictures to shame! But I unfortunately didn't get a picture.

  2. Wow!! That is a lot of pumpkins! Puts our one little Joker Pumpkin to shame!
