Wednesday, August 4, 2010

adventures in grocery shopping

It's the little things that are fun about moving to a new place - including finding a new grocery store! And we have found a great one! The store is called Metcalfe's Sentry. It's right down the road and it's a cross between Whole Foods and Harris Teeter. So you've got everything you need in terms of the aisles at your mid-sized HT, but with an expanded meat, cheese, vegetable, and prepared foods sections. 

The best part is that it's a local market and they take local food seriously. So seriously, that all around the store are little signs showing you "food miles" - that is the number of miles the food travelled from the Wisconsin farm to the store.

Here's some tomatoes with a food miles sign:

 And we even discovered food miles in the liquor aisle! We found Yahara Bay whiskey...

And this one's for you, Mom! Wisconsin limoncello!


  1. That is too cool!! I think I'm having a long distance love affair with Madison!

  2. And Madison is having a long distance love affair with you! It really wants you to come visit.
