Saturday, September 8, 2012


I did this way back in June and just forgot to share.

Office before (with previous owner's furniture)...


...and after!

Just so I remember, trim paint is Benjamin Moore Decorator's White (semi gloss) and walls are Benjamin Moore Ozark Shadows (satin).

Friday, September 7, 2012

trip to mass. (final post) - a day or two in boston

We cashed in Hilton points and stayed a night in downtown Boston. Swan boats, the aquarium and lobster dinner! (Lobsters from a restaurant - not the aquarium - ha!)

Of course we took some time at Faneuil Hall/Qunicy Market area - shopping and having lobster roll #2. (Lobster roll #1 was from Steamers in Newton - the best.)

Strolling around Quincy Mah-ket. 
Then we walked to the Boston Common and Public Gardens.

Now we're over in the Public Gardens - checking out the real ducks...
...and the statue of the ducklings from Make Way for Ducklings. Owen had to pat each duckling's head and say "duck" each time.

Riding on mama duck!

We rode on the famous swan boats (I don't think I had done that since I was 2! Or at least I can't remember.) 

Not my photo - stolen from the internets - but I forgot to get a picture of the boat!  Photo credit  David Paul Ohmer via flickr.

Owen was a little cranky at this point, but we prevailed!

Riding on the swan boat in the lagoon.

Boston Public Gardens - Swan Boat
Photo credit David Paul Ohmer via flickr.
Here we are going under the bridge pictured above.
Owen waving to the other swan boat. It's a double wave with two hands!
That night, we walked down to the harbor, hung out for a while listening to some music outside the Boston Harbor Hotel (hey - a family can dream, right?) - and then walked across the bridge to the Barking Crab for some fried clams (for me) and clam chowder (for Dave). Appetizers complete, we walked back to our hotel. The restaurant next door had lobster 2 for $20! (That was lobster dinner #3 of 4.) So we got it to go, brought it up to our rooms and washed it down with some Pumpkinhead beer from my cousin, Matt. Perfection!

The next morning was rainy, so after venturing out for breakfast, we came back to the room and all took a nap! When we woke up, the sun was shining and skies were blue. We walked to the New England Aquarium and then spent some time in the historic North End. Lots of fun for all. Thank goodness Owen likes to ride in his stroller...I mean carriage! We walked and walked. A wonderful time was had by all on the entire trip. Thanks to all our extended family for an awesome visit!
Owen at the New England Aquarium. I love his little pointer finger. I mean fingah!
Owen's favorite part? The giant spiral ramp up the center of the building and this big ramp outside that leads to the sea lions. He's running at full tilt in this picture.

More pointing.

The turtle swam by us!
This is the giant cylindrical tank that goes up the entire center of he building.
Top of the giant tank.
Owen loved this bright tank full of periwinkles, undulating sponges and sea anemonea!
Pretty colorful fish tank.

trip to mass. - time in Newton

We also got to spend time in Newton with Owen's Great-Great-Aunt Leona and Great-Great Uncle Al. We had a lot of fun!
With Auntie Leona at her friend Mary's 97th birthday party. Owen liked the cake and ice cream!

Reading Hop on Pop...again.
We have given in and started letting Owen play with our iPhones in the morning!

Our favorite activity after Owen goes to bed - Rummikub!! I think this is when Leona started beating us.
The Roselli's invited us over for a wonderful meal. Of course there was limoncello!

Owen and Natalie.
Note the limoncello shot glass! I think Owen could have used a swig - he was crazy that night!

Owen and Stephanie.
Holding a wooden spoon and sitting on the lap of a chef - fitting!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

trip to mass. - great-grandparents

Owen got to spend some quality time with his great-grandparents on this trip. The miniature rocking chair was a big hit. He probably climbed in and out of it about 50 times.

Someone is very happy to be in the rocking chair!

Reading with Great-Grandma

All 6 great-grand kids!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

trip to mass. - the beach!

Owen's first trip to the ocean! Here we are at Duxbury Beach, which was most likely my first beach as a kid as well.

Serious digging and building with cousins! I love how Ben is fake digging with an imaginary shovel.

Plumber butt!

Doing the mom thing - putting sunscreen on the plumber's butt.

Lovin' it.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

trip to mass. - part 2

During the South Shore part of our trip, Owen loved staying with his Great-Aunt Eileen and Great-Uncle Billy! They had a pond, toy fire trucks, and a jumping Tigger toy. Owen was in heaven! Thank you for taking such good care of us during our stay!

Playing in the pond!

Peeking in the window!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

trip to massachusetts - south shore cousins

We took a week to travel to Massachusetts to visit family on the South Shore and in Newton. We had such a great time with everyone! One of Owen's favorite parts of the trip? Playing with his cousins in Whitman!

This was not an easy picture to get! So many boys!
L-R:Baby Ryan, Noelle, Anthony, Owen, Ben and Drew

Watching Barney in the Elmo chair!

My cousin Amy's kids were so sweet to share the Elmo chair with Owen.

The little guys - Owen and Drew.